Experience Comfort and Relief with Recovapro Lite


February 15, 2023 3 min read

Inflammation is not dangerous in and of itself. The body's response to harmful stimuli, such as a disease, an irritant, or tissue injury, is an inflammatory reaction. The body strives to defend itself when it recognizes a hazardous stimulus by eliminating or neutralizing that stimulus's effects and starting the healing process.

For instance, the body responds to an infection brought on by a virus or bacteria by inducing inflammation, not the infection itself but the organism's response to it. The symptoms of this "acute" type of inflammation include swelling, discomfort, redness, heat, and immobility.

Latin has the best definition of inflammation: calor, dolor, rubor, and tumor. This catchy term alludes to warmth (calor), pain (dolor), redness (rubor), and swelling (tumor), which distinguish the clinical signs of inflammation as they were described by the Roman physician Celsus in the first century AD. In medicine, a loss or a disturbance of function is referred to as a functio laesa. Galen added it to the four indicators identified by Celsus, making it the fifth sign of acute inflammation.

If you experience these signs, you may be sure that the inflammation is temporary and not persistent. What distinguishes these two types, and which can be treated with vibration?

How to Distinguish Between Acute Inflammation and Chronic Inflammation

Acute inflammation begins suddenly and worsens swiftly. It shows up as the previously described symptoms, including swelling of the tissues and redness of the affected area, heat, pain, and trouble moving the limb or joint, as well as flu-like symptoms like headaches, exhaustion, or a generalized feeling of being run down.

In most circumstances, acute inflammation appears suddenly, subsides within a few days, and has no long-term adverse effects on a person's capacity to carry out everyday tasks. As a result, it has no negative effects on one's quality of life. Furthermore, this type of inflammation is treatable, and the root cause can be accurately determined. Acute inflammation, however, can occasionally turn into chronic inflammation.

It is already apparent that this type of inflammation might last for months or years because chronic inflammation is what is meant by the term "long-term issue." A poorly controlled episode of acute inflammation or an autoimmune reaction to an antigen is typically to blame. The latter occurs when the body's immune system unintentionally targets its healthy tissues because it misidentifies them as dangerous invaders.

A low-intensity irritant that lasts months or years without being addressed can cause chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammatory diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, chronic sinusitis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, and other similar ailments. In addition, chronic inflammation can lead to atherosclerosis, periodontitis, and even some types of cancer.

The body's white blood cells assault the foreign substances, causing redness, warmth, discomfort, swelling, and other symptoms. As a component of the immune system, white blood cells defend the body from pathogens. When an infection is found, more white blood cells are discharged into the blood, which causes the symptoms listed above.

Acute and chronic inflammation is more common in older adults, and overweight persons are more susceptible to acquiring inflammatory disorders because they have more inflammatory markers. According to studies, eliminating just 5% of your body weight in some situations is sufficient to drastically lower inflammatory marker levels and lower your chance of developing inflammatory disorders.

Can You Use A Massage Gun In Conditions Associated With Inflammation?

As stated, inflammation is associated with increased warmth, pain, redness, and swelling. All of these are mainly due to increased blood flow to the injury site as the body attempts to wash away debris from the injured area while providing more nutrients and white blood cells to an area in need. Think of it as a sort of "internal bleeding." 

The main effect of vibration therapy is to increase circulation, and applying it to an area with an already increased blood flow can only aggravate the condition. Therefore, avoid utilizing a massage gun if you already have inflammation because it will slow down your healing process and aggravate your muscular pain and inflammation.

However, you can use it over the surrounding areas, not inflamed, to help with the pain. Use the gun at the lowest intensity possible and glide it over these areas with the lightest pressure.




